Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Human Resource: Today and the Future

Based on what I observed in the company I studied, they prioritize the welfare of their human resource. It is their employees who generate revenues for their company and without them or with poor management the company will not prosper. The human resource is the backbone of the company. Other companies however treat their human resource poorly. These companies' concern is profit. The welfare and condition of their employees is one of their least priorities.

Today's companies should give high priority on training and grooming their employees to bring out their best performances so that in return the company would greatly benefit. They should treat their employees as an investment and an asset. Companies should spend for their employees so that the employees would come to love their work and the company they are working for.

In contrast to all of these, i view the future of human resource as bleak. By the end of this century, some companies, those who apply the “assembly line concept”, would put less emphasis or importance on their human resource. Machines would slowly replace the human workers in the company. But still human resource would be used specially in the higher levels of the company , only in the rank and file of the company would the human aspect be slowly phased out.

There would come a time , in the far future, maybe in the next century, the 22nd century, that humans would play a small part in running a company. In that time the workers would be largely composed of artificial intelligence or at the least dumb machines. The brains of the company would still be humans but the backbone, the workers, would be automated machines.

This is actually a great concern for us for it opens a lot of questions and problems like , “what happens to the human resource then?”. What would happen to the people who were displaced by these machines. Unemployment would be a great problem. Furthermore, judging by the growing human population, by the 22nd century a lot of people would have no jobs. So, what could we do?

I could only speculate and base my answers on the sci-fi movies and books that I have seen and read. The answer to the displaced human resource would be found in the stars. Space exploration and colonization of planets should by then have its breakthroughs or else we would have a lot of idle people here on earth. That would not be good in any case.

If you have some thoughts about the matter feel free to voice them out.


iamuniquelycommon said...


what can we do f majority of the people is jobless???

all i could say is
"prevention is better than cure"

but f prevention wouldn't be done, then..

"prepare for the worst"


-=efasde=- said...


it would be the worst thing to happen if those (dump) machines will take place human resource...

i just hope it won't happen....

man is still the most important factor in any kind of organization for progress...


-=efasde=- said...

comment pud s aq ha?!....
edsa... thank you daan...

John Cesar E. Manlangit said...

I think we have the same thought about the companies in the 21st century. About machine ruling over man.

Nice Entry! I like it!

God Bless You!!!

JD said...

thanks for commenting efasde.. about your comment: indeed we could always hope for the best but we should also prepare for the worst. and i think i wrote "dumb machines" not "dump machines" hehehe.

rejserenity said...

increasing unemployment rate is a reality more especially we are dealing in a high tech world, however, im still holding on sir gamboa's viewpoints, 'the machines should only support the human resources, not replace them'.

JD said...

thanks for commenting rej. ^_^ i'm not against the idea that machines SHOULD only support the human resouce, don't get me wrong. I'm for that idea as well.But,SHOULD is an ideal word. What i wrote in my blog is that the POSSIBILITY that machines can replace the human resource is a likelihood in the far future. I don't like it myself but the possibility of it happening is big.